At the beginning of each textmeback.org textline session, you will receive a link bringing you to the most updated terms and conditions page. This page is periodically updated to reflect changes in the agency privacy policy and terms of use. By using textmeback.org, you are agreeing to the terms, conditions, and privacy policy noted below. Any disagreement with the noted conditions warrants termination of textmeback.org use.
You can also find an additional list of helpful resources at:
The counselors and volunteers at the textmeback.org value the relationship that a texting conversation constitutes, however it is important to keep in mind the limitations that this type of relationship entails. Although this is a relationship in a confidential setting, this does not carry the same professional laws and means of protecting your information and conversation content as other relationships. We will encourage you to reach out to other resources when it is clear professional therapeutic or emergency services are needed or beneficial to you.
Additionally, at textmeback.org, we take your right to self-determination seriously. You are solely responsible for the decisions that you make, regardless of the influence that you may feel from what was communicated via text. textmeback.org volunteers and counselors will hold no responsibility for your actions, as you are responsible for your actions and choices.
Reflecting the value that we place in self-determination, you (the user) assume all of the risk associated with using textmeback.org services. By using our services, you agree that textmeback.org or Family of Woodstock, Inc. counselors, employees or volunteers cannot be held responsible for the actions that you or any third party does or does not take. You assume all risk for use of this service, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless textmeback.org and Family of Woodstock, Inc. for damages arising out of use of this service.
The services that textmeback.org provides are available “as is.” That means that counselors will not always be available in a timely manner or in a secure, error free way. Users can anticipate a response from a counselor typically within thirty (30) to sixty (60) minutes. textmeback.org counselors may not meet clients’ pre-conceived expectations and are not obligated to do so. textmeback.org has no liability in terms of the implication of the information provided by textmeback.org counselors.
Users will lose access to textmeback.org given any of the following actions or conditions:
- Using services to violate county, state, federal or international laws and regulations
- Attempted or successful exploitation or harm of minors including inappropriate exposure or extraction of personal information
- Harassing, threatening, assaulting, or violating the rights of any volunteers, counselors or any other person associated with textmeback.org or Family of Woodstock Inc
- Spamming or attempting to gather personal information that would lead to spamming, marketing or selling to counselors, volunteers, users, and/or third parties.
- Either attempting or successfully impersonating another person, group or agency
- Attempting to prohibit someone else’s use of the textmeback.org services
- Misconduct related to the functioning of the textmeback.org
textmeback.org and Family of Woodstock, Inc. are governed by both state and federal laws, and both the textmeback.org and user will be held to the jurisdiction on both the state and federal level. Both the user, textmeback.org and Family of Woodstock, Inc. will consent to jurisdiction on both levels exclusive to courts located in Ulster County.
If the court finds any of the terms and conditions explained in this document to be invalid or unenforceable, they will be enforced to the fullest extent of the law, and the remainder of the document shall remain valid and enforced to the fullest extent possible. This document is the end all, be all of the agreement between the FOWH and users of services provided.
International users are subject to the laws of both the United States and the state of New York upon usage of textmeback.org services.
Detailed in the privacy policy, privacy and confidentiality are important aspects of Family of Woodstock, Inc.’s services. Although we take measures to secure the information provided by users of our services, using text as a mode of communication leads to possible breaches in privacy. textmeback.org, to the best of our ability, will protect this information, but will not guarantee complete security, therefore, use of the textmeback.org is done at the user’s risk. textmeback.org and Family of Woodstock Inc. are not responsible for unauthorized use of transcribed conversations or information by anyone who gains access to it.
Additionally, users of textmeback.org services are not to contact the volunteers or counselors outside of the relationship constituted by textmeback.org services. Any questions, concerns or comments can be directed towards fowh@familyofwoodstockinc.org
The services that are provided by Family of Woodstock, Inc. are first and foremost reflective of services needed for those in crisis. Essentially, our 24 hour hotline and textline serve as a means of addressing a presenting crisis and insight on the skills necessary for coping with future arising crises. Additionally, Family of Woodstock, Inc. services extend to linkage and referral to Ulster County resources. textmeback.org is created with intentions of being a way of communication that both serves the crises and resource needs of users.
Many of the crises that textmeback.org and Family of Woodstock, Inc. encounter are sensitive issues, and therefore privacy and security of the information shared is important to both users and those at Family of Woodstock, Inc. All textmeback.org counselors are aware and responsible for their knowledge of the privacy policy.
Reading this privacy policy will increase your understanding of the uses of and collection of your personal information, how that information is stored and communicated both within and outside of the agency, and the role that you play in the information that is collected and communicated.
By having access to this document and continuing to utilize textmeback.org services, you are agreeing to the privacy policy. This policy is subject to change, and at the beginning of every interaction, you will receive access to the most updated privacy policy available. At the time that a new or updated privacy policy is made available to the public, it will be the agreement that the user is consenting to.
Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is information that can be potentially collected in order to better serve users. Examples of PII includes, but is not limited to: users’ full names, their addresses, and their home telephone numbers. Counselors may prompt you for this information for a number of reasons (imminent risk, mandated reporting, resourcing, etc.), but users are never at an obligation to share their information. This information will only be used for its originally intended purposes, and never given for spamming or profit driven reasons.
Textmeback.org, upon first contact, will have access to the phone number the text is sent from, and all information beyond that is given at the discretion of the user. Every user will have a profile in textmeback.org records in order to keep statistics and keep a sense of continuity. The request and use of PII is possible for textmeback.org record keeping and statistics collection, referral reasons, and in situations of imminent risk of either the user or a third party, or mandated reporting.
Textmeback.org may ask for PII in the form of an email address in order to make a more detailed referral or resource connection, or as a way to keep in communication about agency programs and news. The information that we collect is for the safety and improved experience of users.
There are also times when users will be prompted to share non-personally identifiable information (NII) with textmeback.org. This includes, but is not limited to: users’ age, gender identification, language, and time zone. Users are at liberty to disclose more information at their choosing, but are not obligated to share any requested information. The information that is collected will be used for improving the services that textmeback.org provides and providing insight into the needs of the Ulster County community. Additionally, transcripts, including the content and length of the conversation, are recorded for internal research and supervision.
Emergency Services
Textmeback.org will ask you for both PII and NII in order to contact emergency services. This occurs when a counselor feels you are at imminent risk (risk of suicide spectrum behavior, risk of harm by others), feels you are at risk of harming others, or feels there is child abuse or neglect happening. A counselor will stay on the line with you during emergency services contact to ensure safety, security, and follow through. This is reflective of Family of Woodstock, Inc. and textmeback.org’s commitment to keeping users safe and healthy.
Service Referrals
Part of the work that textmeback.org does is linkage and referral to other assistance-oriented agencies. Textmeback.org will provide information and links to relevant resources; however, if a user asks for assistance in filling out forms or applications, textmeback.org will prompt users for the information necessary to fill out these forms, and for that purpose only. Unless the user indicates that he or she is willing to share this information with textmeback.org to share with another agency, that information remains private and at the discretion of the user to share in communication with the other agency.
Legal and Additional Disclosure
As previously discussed, both users and textmeback.org are governed by federal and state laws, therefore, PII disclosed by the user may be shared in a court of law in legal compliance to a subpoena, court order, legal/government request, or any other legal extenuating circumstance. Additionally, disclosure may occur to third parties in order to maintain the safety and protection of all associated with textmeback.org is legally protected. The counselors of textmeback.org are mandated reporters, and therefore are legally obligated to report suspected child neglect or abuse. In order to file a report, textmeback.org counselors will both ask for and disclose PII to the appropriate services. PII may also be shared with third parties as part of a merger or partnership as deemed necessary.
Information is stored after an interaction with textmeback.org. This includes, but is not limited to the phone number of the texter, the zip code of the provider, and other NII and PII that the user volunteers. This information is stored in order to keep statistics, assess for frequent or understudied needs, and to create a sense of continuity between interactions. This information is stored on software designed with security of users in mind.
Expectations of flawless confidentiality do not reflect the reality of text or SMS (Short Message Service) technology, although textmeback.org values and takes steps to protect user information. The information that is shared is done with the privacy and safety of the user kept in mind; however, textmeback.org is not responsible for any breaches in that security.
Users are encouraged to take responsibility and know their rights when it comes to sharing and protecting their PII. There are means by which users can block the number they are texting from, making that PII inaccessible to textmeback.org. Additionally, textmeback.org is not responsible for the PII and NII volunteered to the hotline by users, and the misuse or breach of that information by third parties.
Additionally, users are encouraged to delete the messages associated with textmeback.org contact in order to protect the privacy of their conversations and either not assign a contact name or give a pseudonym to the organization. This protects users and allows for an additional way of privatizing and protecting the information provided to the user by textmeback.org.
Users have the option to request that their PII, NII and transcripts be deleted from the textmeback.org system. This will be done, within reason and legality, by textmeback.org, and requests can be made by emailing fowh@familyofwoodstockinc.org
Textmeback.org is governed by both state and federal laws, and both the user and textmeback.org will be held to the jurisdiction on both the state and federal level. Both the user and textmeback.org will consent to jurisdiction on both levels exclusive to courts located in Ulster County.
If the court finds any of the terms and conditions explained in this document to be invalid or unenforceable, they will be enforced to the fullest extent of the law, and the remainder of the document shall remain valid and enforced to the fullest extent possible. This document is the end all, be all of the agreement between the textmeback.org and the users of services provided.
International users are subject to the laws of both the United States and the state of New York upon usage of textmeback.org services.
Any questions, comments, and concerns can be emailed to fowh@familyofwoodstockinc.org .