Contact Information
16 Rock City Road
Woodstock, NY 12498
Email: fowh@familyofwoodstockinc.org
(845) 679-2485 / 338-2370
Team Leader: Tamara Cooper
Program Director: Sue Carroll
Hours of Operation:
Crisis Hotline: – 24 hrs. /365 days
Walk-ins – 9:30am to 9:30pm; 24 hours in emergencies
Text-me-back Textline – 7 days a week, 5:00am to 1:00am
The Family of Woodstock hotline/textline is the oldest, continuously operating emergency switchboard in the county. We have proudly kept it running 24/7 since 1970. The hotline is the foundation program from which all other agency programs, now totaling 24 and counting, grew. Embodying our “helping with any problem under the sun” attitude, the hotline staff and volunteers aid thousands of people every year with whatever issue is impacting their lives. Whether it’s a housing need, clothing for children, food for their family, or just an empathetic ear of someone who listen without judgement, Family of Woodstock is there to help and provide guidance but not advice. We don’t tell people what they should so…we suggest what they could do. Empowering people to make decisions that benefit them, their lives and their families is at the core of the hotline’s mission.
But we can’t do it alone….
Hotline and Textline Volunteering:
Remaining operational for more than 50 years has been no small task. The only way we can continue to serve the community is with help from volunteers. Our Agency is in great need of hotline volunteers – to find out how you can help, contact us at 845-679-2485, email Sue Carroll at scarroll@familyofwoodstockinc.org, or come in to our building at 16 Rock City Road, Woodstock.
Volunteer Counselor Training
Are you interested in helping both your local and wider community? Are you that listening ear that friends and loved ones always seem to turn to? Are you interested in using the skills you have and building on your knowledge of helping? Family’s hotline training is just what you’re looking for!
Training covers the core of Family’s phone and texting hotline and walk-in services. Topics include domestic violence, child abuse, mental health and substance abuse, adolescent issues, suicide, and homelessness. The training is free of charge and oriented towards personal growth. You will learn active, compassionate listening skills and ways to connect with people in need. Family offers an opportunity to be part of the change you wish to see in the world. Intervention is as simple as answering a phone call or text message at the moment someone reaches out. It is as direct as offering a cup of coffee and a bag of food to someone who is hungry. It takes your skill and the amazing depth of resources Family has gathered over its 50+ year history.
The next 40-hour training curriculum is tentatively scheduled September 2024 and is open to all 16 years old and over.
The training will qualify you to volunteer at any of our three walk-in centers – New Paltz, Ellenville, or Woodstock.
For more information call (845) 679-2485.
Non-counselor Volunteers
The Woodstock Hotline office helps the community in many ways and we rely on volunteers. If you would like to help with our holiday programs, the food pantry, maintaining our free store, or helping with building and property maintenance projects please email Alan Rovitzky at arovitzky@familyofwoodstockinc.org.