July 29, 2020 @ 8:30 am – 11:00 am
Hudson Valley Farm Hub Farm Stand
2324 US-209, Hurley

Farm to Food Pantry Blueberry Gleaning

When: Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning July 7th

NOTE due to weather we will be postponing our weekly gleaning to Wednesday July 29th (and not Thursday July 30th)

Where: Hudson Valley Farm Hub Farm Stand 

Please join us for blueberry gleaning at the Hudson Valley Farm Hub Farm Stand, 2324 US-209, Hurley, NY, Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning July 7th, from 8:30am-11am until the end of blueberry season in August.

We’ll be harvesting delicious fresh blueberries donated by the Hudson Valley Farm Hub for local food pantries, shelters and community meal programs.

Pantry friends are welcome to come glean for their program. Please wear sturdy shoes, sunscreen, long pants, and bring your own mask or face covering. Containers will be provided. On-farm training protocol provided upon arrival. If interested please call/text 845-481-0331 or email glean@ulstercorps.org.

Note: If it is raining, we will cancel and glean on the Thursday of that week instead. If the weather is questionable, be sure to check in with us before 8am the morning you are planning to glean. We ask everyone to please register before coming, and to observe the following protocols:

  • Washing hands, wearing personal protective equipment, disinfecting all tools and supplies before, during, and after gleaning.
  • Limiting the number of times produce is handled from the farm to its final destination.
  • Limiting the number of people involved in the process.
  • Creating 6 ft distances between staff and volunteers in fields, coolers, and community partners.
  • Staying home if we feel unwell or have had contact with someone who is sick.