Links to FAMILY Resources to End Domestic Violence
- Signs of Abuse
- Tips for helping if you think someone is being abused
- Developing a Safety Plan
- Signs of Abuse in Lesbian and Gay Relationships
- Homosexual Battering Versus Straight Battering
- Gay/Lesbian/Transdomestic Violence Resource & Information Safety Plan
- Information about Teen Dating Violence
The Washbourne House 24-Hour Hotlines:
- 845 338-2370
- 845 647-2443
- 845 679-2485
- 845-255-8801
New York State Adult Domestic Violence Hotlines English: 1-800-942-6906 Spanish: 1-800-942-6908 NYS Elder Abuse Hotline: 1-800-342-9871 NYS Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-342-3720 NYS Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Information Line: 1-800-342-7472
New York City Domestic Violence Resources Bilingual Hotline: 1-800-621-HOPE Hearing Impaired: 1-800-810-7444
Hotline Link – National Domestic Violence Hotline
- 10 Things Men Can Do To Prevent Gender Violence, Jackson Katz
- Advocacy Wheel
- American Bar Association Commission on Domestic Violence
- Barbara J. Hart, Children of Domestic Violence: Risks and Remedies
- Children Coping with Family Violence Wheel
- Child Protective Services (NYS)
- Criminal Courts
- Danger Assessment Tools – English Language | Spanish Language
- Department of Social Services (NYS)
- Domestic Violence Animal Shelter Database
- Domestic Violence Information for Lesbian, Transgender and Bisexual Women
- Joseph S. Volpe, Ph.D., Effects of Domestic Violence on Children and Adolescents
- Family Partnership Center, Inc.
- Family Services, Inc.
- Family Violence Prevention Fund
- NY State Benefits
- NY Housing Legal Info | NY Asuntos Legales de Vivienda
- Legal Momentum (formerly known as the NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund)
- Legal Services of the Hudson Valley
- National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence
- National Clearinghouse for the Defense of Battered Women Statistics Packet
- National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
- National Dating Abuse Hotline
- National Domestic Violence Hotline
- New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence
- New York State Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence
- New York State Office of Children and Family Services
- Nonviolence and Equity Wheel
- Personalized Safety Plan
- Power and Control Wheel
- Safe Horizon Domestic Violence Shelter
- Safety Planning (Women’s Law Initiative)
- Silent Witness National Initiative Site
- VAWNet: National Electronic Network on Violence Against Women
- What to Do if You are a Victim (Dutchess County, NY District Attorney’s Office)
- Census 2000 Special Reports: We the People – Women and Men in the United States, Renee E. Spraggins, U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC: January 2005
- Portland Press Herald [Maine]: Is anger management a remedy for batterers? A federal ban on using domestic violence grants to fund the programs raises some questions
- National Institute of Justice: When violence hits home: How economics and neighborhood play a role.
- The New York Times: Women likelier to be slain by a partner than a stranger.
- The New York Times: Foreign born women more likely to be slain by partners.
- National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information: Child Witnesses to Domestic Violence: How states have made provision in their statutes for recognizing and protecting children who are the collateral victims of domestic violence
- Harvard School of Public Health: 70% of All Women Killed in Industrialized Nations are American.
- Violence Policy Center: When Men Murder Women: An Analysis of 1998 Homicide Data.
- Barbara J. Hart (Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse): Children of Domestic Violence: Risks and Remedies.
- Joseph S. Volpe, Ph.D.: Effects of Domestic Violence on Children and Adolescents.