Answered more than 100,000 emergency hotline calls per year.
Distributed 110,700 meals across to more than 12,000 people throughout Ulster County.
Cooked more than 50,000 meals for homeless families living in motels.
Housed hundreds of women, men, and children in our seven shelters.

The work Family of Woodstock does is challenging and rewarding. It’s also hard. The daily issues our team help clients face are daunting. Food insecurity. Homelessness. Domestic Violence. Suicide. Mental health challenges. Childcare.

Giving Tuesday, December 3, is a national day when people donate to or volunteer for the non-profits that matter to them. We ask that you consider a donation to Family of Woodstock to support the programs and staff that provide critical services to the most vulnerable members of our community.

You can make a one-time or recurring contribution. No donation is too small. No amount of caring is too little. Thank you for your support!

Click here to donate to Family of Woodstock for Giving Tuesday.