Survey Results Reveal Positive Reception to Housing Option

Family of Woodstock, the City of Kingston and the Kingston Housing Task Force have released the results of a survey used to gauge the interest in bringing a HomeShare program to Kingston. The majority of respondents indicated a positive attitude towards the housing option.

HomeShare, which Family launched in Woodstock last year, is a program that connects home providers and home seekers, allowing each to remain in their communities while offering a mutually beneficial, affordable housing solution. With a solid “match,” home sharing helps homeowners gain extra income and receive help with tasks while providing an affordable rental for someone in the community.

The HomeShare Kingston survey was launched on February 6 and ran through March 8. The results outline the positive response to bringing a home sharing program to the City of Kingston. The survey showed that people agreed the benefits of a home sharing program would be in aiding seniors to age in place while receiving much-needed additional income. They also noted the accrued social benefits of alleviating loneliness, providing security and improving mental health.

For the home seekers, survey responders acknowledged the struggle many have in finding affordable housing in Kingston and expected many would welcome the opportunity to assist the homeowner in exchange for lower monthly rent. Some expressed that the program would be successful if secure vetting procedures were followed so that protections were in place for both the homeowner and seeker.

The survey was distributed throughout the City of Kingston through various nonprofit organizations, community groups, and faith organizations. Respondents totaled 131 with 100 expressing support of a home sharing program as a solution for Kingston’s housing emergency.

Bartek Starodaj, Director of Housing Initiatives for the City of Kingston said, “As we work to increase housing affordability in Kingston, the survey results affirmed there is local enthusiasm for the program and that there is plenty of appetite for participation from home sharers and home seekers.” Janice La Motta, Program Director of HomeShare Woodstock noted, “While most responses were positive, the concerns expressed by some will be addressed as we begin to tailor a home sharing program for Kingston. As we did when creating HomeShare Woodstock, we will create procedures and policies that aim to ensure a safe, enjoyable, and mutually beneficial experience for all involved.”

HomeShare Woodstock is the state’s first free home sharing program outside New York City. As part of Family of Woodstock, HomeShare Woodstock serves towns in the northern part of Ulster County. Currently, HomeShare Woodstock has six successful matches benefitting fourteen people. The HomeShare Woodstock staff work hard to make successful matches and follow the homesharers throughout the match, helping with any issues that may come up. HomeShare Woodstock has consulted with dozens of the more than sixty programs in the United States to create its model, and is now helping other communities explore home sharing. We are grateful to all of the respondents who participated in the Kingston survey. As we look to next steps, which include the formation of a steering committee, we welcome your involvement. If you have an interest in serving on the steering committee, or would be willing to volunteer to help with outreach efforts or to serve on the Interview Team, please contact us at: homesharekingston@familyadmin

For the full Kingston HomeShare Survey results, click here.