We need your help getting the word out about Family’s newest service! Check out the new TextMeBack video and please share with those you know who could benefit from the service, “Like” the new Facebook page or donate to our Generosity fundraiser campaign. The campaign will help purchase training materials and provide stipends for our trainers, outreach materials to share with schools, other agencies and mental health professionals, ergonomic workstations for TextMeBack staff & volunteers, and develop a resource database which can be shared by our program staff and will ultimately be made available to other agencies and the public. Learn more about TextMeBack on our website; start using the service by texting us at 845 679 2485; or Chat Now. Thank you so much to JL Aronson, www.creativearson.com for donating his services to create the video, and to everyone who is able to support this important new service!
Family is excited to launch a new service to provide additional access to help for individuals in the community. As substance abuse and addiction issues continue to make headlines, Family intends to provide additional access to support and resources by launching a texting service. Since one in five teens have a mental health condition, and are one of the most underserved populations, and recognizing that most young people are more comfortable using texting than a phone, we are establishing a texting hotline to meet that need.
Family of Woodstock’s textmeback.org confidential text + chat hotline is a new way to access our extensive crisis intervention services and knowledge of local resources. Texting has become a popular form of communication and can be used to seek help with a wide variety of topics. More than 14 million crisis texts have been received nationwide over the past three years, showing the need for this valuable service in Ulster County.
As Family’s Executive Director Michael Berg explains: “Clearly texting is the future and Family’s history has always been to provide the maximum access for people to get help.”
This texting service can be used by all members of the Ulster County community. Family has a dedicated history of helping with such issues as domestic violence, mental health challenges, homelessness, substance use and abuse, loneliness, and suicide, among others. The Agency provides assistance to thousands of individuals annually and is committed to serving the changing communication needs in the community.
Family offers an opportunity to be part of the change you wish to see in the world. Intervention is as simple as answering a phone call or text message at the moment someone reaches out. It is as direct as offering a cup of coffee and a bag of food to someone who is hungry. Family of Woodstock is now accepting hotline and textline volunteer applications.
To access the service, text to 845 679 2485 or visit textmeback.org for the online chat service. For comments, questions, or to find out how to volunteer, call our 24-7 hotline at the same number, 845-679-2485 or stop by 16 Rock City Road Woodstock, NY 12498.